Why responsive design is important for web applications


Gradually, as time graces today’s generation, technology is improving explicitly. Internet surfing is increasing and web developers had to change their techniques to create new ways of making a responsive website design. The result of a responsive website design is to create website applications for a clear display on all versions and screens.

Kre8iveminds being one of the leading website designing companies in Kolkata provides responsive web designs at an absolute better place. Responsive design allocates a good flow to your websites depending upon the screen size, version, and resolutions of the screen, this inversely renders it look exceptional on all devices. It provides a possibility to not install many applications on your mobile and desktop as it furnishes new techniques for your website. It saves your space, time, resources, and efforts. It aids in solving all your problems related to your websites as such, you can access it anywhere you would like to and on any screen, as it acquires the shape and size of the screen you’re viewing the website on. It makes it convenient for the users. It helps you to make your site mobile-friendly, it aids to increase your ranking in search engines. It improves the way your website looks on each screen, whether small or large. In return, this improves the traffic to your website and makes the users spend time on your page for a little longer.

Responsive website design helps to access the content more easily and this appropriately improves the user experience. A good web design improves credibility and readability, time spent by a visitor increases if there is a unique design that is attractive to the user, communication, and interaction are enhanced in the case of businesses. In the case of eCommerce, sales would be increased.

A top website designing company should furnish the user with all these preferences and kre8iveminds tops the list by providing all these. Responsive design is a way to create and enhance the web properties in such a way that the device acquires the mobility of the website that is being displayed. Firstly, the experience is screened on mobile phones and later the techniques will be created to evolve for different applications, screens, and sizes. One of the most important benefits of having a responsive design is that it improves the user interface, the content should be broadly accessible to all the people in such a way that it is appropriately viewed on any device. A good responsive website improves readability. It automatically takes its shape and layout according to the size of the screen. It eliminates all the boundaries if needed. If the design is not screen adjustable, then the visitors might get irritated and may not stay in for long. It not only gives permissions for adjustable screen size but also as mentioned before, provides the best user interface. It also should focus on zooming, vertical and horizontal turning, and scrolling required.

Generally, if a website is designed in such a way that it is only accessible to a 15inch monitor and cannot be displayed on a mobile phone, it creates a lot of fuss because it might take up a lot of space and the whole page might not be visible to the users. And hence, the whole information cannot be displayed. The information being viewed mostly on mobile phones includes some information that is urgent and important. Such websites publishing information regarding these should create the interfaces for their websites in such a convenient way for the mobile uses and vice versa for the desktops. The usage of a few modern techniques like HTML and JavaScript enables the perceiving of a website to automatically adapt to the respective device or source. previously, responsive design was not that particular or important as there were only two sources i.e: desktops and mobile phones. But responsive design came to light only after the launch of the iPad, as a new screen size got into consideration. Later on, the inventors thought that this will not work if a design was created only for a particular device. So, the invention of the responsive website design took the bond. A page equipped with responsive design changes its requirements automatically. Websites are displayed to all users. In the view of web design, a viewport defines the area of a page that is looked for on mobile phones. The block elements cannot be displayed next to each other at lower resolutions, they can be simply adjusted or moved one below the other or can be individually positioned.

There are 3 essential prerequisites responsible for website design, they are :

•             CSS concept

•             CSS media queries

•             Meta viewport in HTML.

Media queries concentrate on correct display, layouts, size, and resolutions. When a page is loading it takes the perfect required screen resolution through the media queries., which automatically adjusts the screen size. The meta elements check if the content is displayed clearly and wholly. This can be adequately viewed by the mobile web browsers for optimizing the length and breathy of the website.

Finally, the advantages of responsive design are:

•             Optimization for any device.

•             User-defined experience

•             Same HTML code can be used.

•             Long term user trust.

•             Better usability and consistency.

Connect and enroll with us for getting a better website design for your websites.

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